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Frequently asked Questions and Answers


Please find below a few of our FQ&A's that we hope we help to answer any questions that you may have. However, if you do not find what you are looking for please get in touch and we will do our very best to help you. We are always available and would love to hear from you!!

What are our Happy Hugger wheat bags actually made of?


Many of our customers have been skeptical about our claims at superior quality compared with other commercial wheat bags. The secret to our wheat bags’ great wear is the fact that each one is made with care using the best quality treated wheat and 100% cotton covers. One of the brands we stock – Happy Huggers – has been around for 19 years, and in that time the product has evolved  into one that could literally last you forever with proper care and use. Through trial and error the creators of this amazing product have developed a treated wheat that does not hold a foul smell after repeated use. This wheat, while sweating slightly in its first few uses, later loses its ability to hold water and will stay dry. Our cotton covers have come a long way too, from the original corduroy, which was far too thick, to a thin cotton which damaged over time and needed to be replaced. These new, bright cotton covers are soft yet durable. Our wheat bags are 100% quality, inside and out.


Is the Happy Hugger washable?

Yes. If you are one of many people who have purchased a wheat bag from a major retailer only to have it deteriorate with every use, leaving its cover dirty and sometimes burnt, put your worries aside. Every wheat bag comes with a soft and durable machine washable cover that is sure to last you as long as your actual wheat bag does. Please do ensure that you always heat and use your wheat bag with the cover on, as it will help to protect the inner bag which cannot be washed.


Will my Happy Hugger smell like other wheat bags I have used?


During your first few uses, you will notice your wheat bag will have the smell of heated wheat. This is completely normal because when each bag is made, it is filled with wheat that has not been previously heated and the first few uses will cause the wheat to release a slight smell as it loses its natural moisture content. This smell will lessen and eventually disappear as our wheat is specially treated to prevent bad odours and excess moisture. Other wheat bags may smell bad for various other reasons, such as the weight of the wheat being too light and therefore burning easily, or poor quality covers that do not allow the wheat to breathe. Fortunately you won’t have to worry about any of that with us as we give you only the best.


Will my Happy Hugger "sweat"?


During your first few uses the wheat inside your Happy Hugger wheat bag will release its natural moisture, which may be accompanied by the smell of heated wheat. This is completely normal, but fortunately it does not last long and our specially treated wheat will soon become dry, and stay dry. The smell and moisture will dissipate and eventually disappear.



What else can I use my Happy Hugger for, apart from heating?


Our wheat bags have been used by physiotherapists for the past 20 years and can be used to treat various injuries, aches and pains.

Use your wheat bag hot to help stretch out stiff muscles or soothe tension, treat back or neck ache or even help with period pain. The warmth coupled with the weight of the wheat bag work together to give your body even better healing heat therapy for your entire body.

Your wheat bag can also be used as a cold pack for new injuries or just to keep cool. Simply place it in a fridge or freezer, in a plastic bag,  depending on how cold you would like it. Leave the bag to cool for at least 10 to 20 minutes and then apply directly to the affected area. It’s not a bad idea to keep one in the freezer at all times just in case it is needed.

Remember that you can also use your wheat bag to warm up your bed at night, or to warm up a baby’s cot or crib. This technique has been used with great benefit to babies suffering with colic as they are better able to relax and fall asleep when being put down into a warm bed.


How long will my Happy Hugger last?

Unlike other commercial wheat bags you won’t have to worry about replacing it every winter. Our wheat bags are designed to last you a lifetime and with proper care it will do just that.

Here are some tips for caring for your Happy Hugger wheat bag:


  • When heating your wheat bag, be sure to place it on a clean microwave plate as materials that get stuck on your bag may burn and damage it’s cover.

  • In the microwave, place your wheat bag flat and not bunched together. The best way to do this is to fold it and lie it flat on the microwave plate.

  • Be sure to make sure the microwave’s plate is turning. If it does not turn then the microwave can create hot spots and burn your wheat bag.

  • Use your wheat bag with its cover on at all times. This will help you protect the inner bag of the wheat bag.

  • Do not wash the inner bag of the wheat bag.

  • You may wash your removable wheat bag cover as often as you like. The covers are 100% cotton and fully machine washable.


What colours do the Happy Hugger wheat bags come in?

Our range of colours is constantly changing and it depends entirely on fabric availability. Some colours can also be gradually phased out if they do not perform well with repeated heating or begin to look aged too fast. For this reason our colour range may be limited at times as we strive to give our customers the best possible quality. Please visit our online wheat bag store to see our current available colours.

Where can I buy one from?


We are working hard to make our wheat bags available to the wider public. You now have the option to purchase online, or to buy direct in the Johannesburg area. Your online purchase will include postage and is available throughout South Africa. Unfortunately we do not offer international shipping at this point, as the costs are just too high.

If you would like to get one, or some, in person please contact us and we will do all we can to help you.



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